School has never been my thing. I've always been one of those people who learns outside of the classroom. I've learned more about life while I was in LA and while I've done things in Omaha then I ever have in the classroom. I've learned more about empathy and what it takes to be a good counselor outside of the classroom than i have ever learned in my classes for my counseling major. I want to be done with school and following God. I want to be more like Jesus and yes i can do that in Wayne but i feel like Wayne sucks life out of you sometimes. Im ready to be done!! I've prayed about and people have been praying for me and I just wish i had a peace about one of the two because honestly my heart is torn and I know God is working and I need to be praising Him for all that is going on and honestly I am because He is teaching me to cling to Him more and that I need to realize how amazing community is. So just be in prayer for me about what i need to do. I only have a year left and honestly it would be pointless to drop out and not finish school but I want to be happy and to follow God so i really dont know. So hopefully God will show me what He wants and He will show me how to be happy in the times when all i want to do is pout and have people feel sorry for me.
Thats not what I want. Truth be told what I want is prayer for God to show me His will and that my flesh would get out of that and that I would be obedient. I need more of Him and less of Me.
God Bless