Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My heart

So God has been changing my heart in amazing ways on project.

The main one is that I feel a calling to be here in the Inner City. I don't know if that is truly what God wants or if it just the truly amazing things that I've been seeing here on project.

The 2nd week of ministry site made me realize this. The site we were at was just amazing. We had a VBS and the kids are so hungry for God and wanting to know Him and so are the families. But there are issues from holding them back from going to the church and to the S.A.Y YES program and that would be an invisible barrier because of gangs. There are gangs at the place that we did the ministry site and there is another gang at the place that we would meet at thats where the Church and S.A.Y Yes center is. So these kids who are young arent able to cross that barrier because of the gangs that they arent even involved in. That broke my heart hearing that. I saw these kids come to know the Lord and saw them hungry to know Him more and more in there life and seeing that they might not be able to go to these things because of Gangs broke my heart and just made me want to see a change.

Slowly God has been giving me visions and wanting to change that area according to His will.

I know this is a short blog but this is just what God has been doing in my life.

PLEASE be praying for me. That i will follow God and what His will is for my life. I really need prayer for that right now.

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. BE the change lauren! I know you have it in you and with God ALL things are possible. Love you, girl and still so proud of you!
